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Region: Economic Development

Milton Ontrio Downtown smart growth perspective Globe and Mail

Think Smart, Think Milton.

For one of the youngest, most educated communities in Canada, working smarter isn’t just a goal — it’s a necessity. For several years, Milton has...
IBM Innovation Space – Markham contemporary office space

Health Innovation Cluster grows in Markham

The wave of new technologies driving the transformation of health care continues to grow, encompassing devices, apps, data analytics, sensors, wearables and advanced diagnostic...
Hamilton St.Joseph's Healthcare Ontario

Top 3 Hamilton Technologies innovating Digital Health

Integrated Systems, Integrating Care St. Joseph’s Healthcare is leveraging innovative digital health technology to make integrated comprehensive care a reality, providing patients continuity of care...
Charu Kaushic is a mucosal immunologist mcmaster doctor

Hamilton’s World Leading Biomedicine Technologies

Ground-Breaking Biomedicine The opening of the Fraunhofer-McMaster Project Centre for Biomedical Engineering and Advanced Manufacturing (BEAM) in March 2018 is a game-changer for biomedical research and...
Dr. Alison Fox-Robichaud developed The Hamilton Early Warning Score (HEWS)

Hamilton is a Global Leader in Clinical Trials

From targeted population studies to global longitudinal assessments, Hamilton has demonstrated global leadership in delivering trans-disciplinary clinical trials. More than 40 health research institutes bring...
synapse hamilton

Synapse drives Hamilton’s $4.8 Billion Health Ecosystem

Hamilton is Canada’s leading health research and educational cluster; a launchpad for innovative life science research and commercialization. At the nexus of Ontario’s dynamic $52 billion...
genome canada genomics

Canada’s Aquaculture contributes $3.1 billion to Economy

Scientists at Memorial University, the University of Prince Edward Island and aquaculture firm Cargill Aqua Nutrition are using genomics to help the aquafeed industry...
Peel Memorial Centre

Brampton opens $500 million Peel Memorial Health Centre

The new $500 million world-class Peel Memorial Centre for Integrated Health and Wellness (PMC), located in downtown Brampton, has officially opened its doors.The 350,000...

Why Research is an Essential Investment for Canada

Canada is investing in research across a variety of sectors: Health: $1 billion in annual investments to provide financing for 13,000 researchers and trainees. But where does...