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Hamilton Fast 40 perspective hamilton globe and mail

Hamilton’s 40 Fastest Growing Companies

Fast 40 program gives national exposure to local companies. The City of Hamilton set an ambitious five-year goal to boost recognition for its growing companies and...
live music visit kingston ontario perspective kington globe and mail

Canadian Music’s Next Generation Finds A New Home

BY NICK PEARCE The state of Kingston’s local music scene is a preview of the Junos a few years later — this city sets the course for...
spearhead brewing Perspective Kingaton globe and mail

What’s Brewing in Kingston?

Check out Spearhead Brewing Company’s Success Story From the brewing vessels to the bottling line, Spearhead beer is truly crafted in Kingston. The award-winning brewery faced...
Kingston Ontario globe and mail

Downtown Kingston a Great Place for All Seasons

Downtown Kingston is a full-service business district, featuring an eclectic mix of specialty retail shops, entertainment, restaurant, professional services and residential occupancies within a...

Oakville is Creating Canada’s Best Downtown

Located an easy walk from Lake Ontario, Oakville’s historic downtown offers an enviable mix of destination retail, restaurants and services. This picturesque district stretches along...