NUVO Network’s Superior Film & TV Production Studios
Recently ranked among the Top 10 ‘business-friendly’ cities by the FDi, a division of Financial Times Limited, the City of Burlington is focusing on driving economic growth. The City wants to retain knowledge and technical talent, attract younger adults to the city and improve awareness of the area’s many advantages.
The film industry, known for technical innovation and jump-starting job-creation in supporting fields, can help the City of Burlington achieve its economic growth objectives.
Future of Filming is bright in burlington
One of the industries poised for significant growth in Ontario and the surrounding areas is filming.
- Film industry employment in Ontario grew 66 percent over the past decade, and the industry spent more than $1.2 billion in the area in 2018.
- The City of Burlington saw 41 percent growth in film jobs during the 10 years and shared in the $4.5 million spent in the region last year.
- Importantly, each film industry role brings in 1.5 additional jobs, which has a significant multiplier effect on total sales revenue and wages for the City.
The City of Burlington is building partnerships with new media production companies and supporting existing organizations operating in the film industry.
Success story: Nuvo Network Production Facilities
2018 marked NUVO Network’s acquisition of the former Crossroads Broadcasting Center. The company modernized the facility and now offers state-of-the-art amenities for the film industry:
• Two 10,000 square foot film studios
• One 1,000 square foot green screen studio
- 10 post-production editing suites
Instant office set-up is possible, too, with NUVO’s 90,000 square feet of new contemporary office spaces and 30,000 square feet of various sized event venues.

Shawn Saulnier, Founder of NUVO Network explained how NUVO is equipped to compete with the best of the best in the industry. “NUVO is a state-of-the-art facility that competes with the best production studios in Hollywood. To date, we have had a range of commercials, music videos, indie films, and television programs shot at NUVO. In fact, Canada’s longest running daily television show is also filmed and produced at NUVO! And the studio’s close proximity to both Toronto and Hamilton, alongside the talent already available in the city, gives us great confidence about the future of the Film and TV industry in Burlington.”
NUVO Network perfectly aligns with the economic development plans of the City of Burlington, Halton Region, and the province of Ontario. NUVO’s film production center in Burlington will help attract new film and creative industries professionals to the City. The employment opportunities and cultural vibrancy of film production companies like NUVO go beyond film and TV to include animation, gaming, technical application design, and overall content creation. The Toronto Raptors and TSN, Walk Off the Earth, Blackout Productions, Media that Matters, and Black Fawn Films are among a long list of companies and artists that have already leveraged NUVO’s facilities.
For more information about NUVO or to tap into opportunities for film production and creative industries in Burlington, contact Mark Steffler, Manager, Innovation and Partnerships Burlington Economic Development Corporation: mark.steffler@burlington.ca.