Crafting a Destination: Forward Thinking Policies Propel Guelph’s Visitor Economy

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Sculpting success: Guelph devoted to visitor attraction through community engagement

Tourism Evolution

Guelph is propelling the city into a new era of tourism with recent strategic initiatives in recent years aimed at boosting the visitor economy. The Municipal Accommodation Tax (MAT) has been a key driver, funding vital tourism services and infrastructure. Collaborating with the Guelph Chamber of Commerce, the creation of Destination Marketing Guelph emphasizes the city’s unique offerings, attracting visitors and boosting the local economy. Council’s commitment to celebrating Guelph’s cultural richness and fostering partnerships align with a renewed focus on enhancing the city’s appeal for travelers whether they be visiting friends and family, attending a signature festival, sporting event, work function or conference. These steps affirm Guelph’s dedication to becoming a thriving tourist destination.

Community Voices Shape Tourism

The City knows that building a great visitor destination must always start with the people who live and work there Engaging in heartfelt conversations with residents and businesses, the City and Destination Marketing Guelph are looking to share the love for Guelph’s charm, amenities, and vibrant culture with a refreshed brand image. The refreshed brand and curation of information for community members and visitors alike sets the stage for a surge in tourism as the city transforms it’s pride of place into a welcoming embrace for visitors.

Collective Effort Crafts Tourism

The Tourism network is passionate about transforming Guelph into a must-see visitor destination. With the resounding approval of Guelph’s first Culture Plan, the stage is set to spotlight the city’s rich stories and entice travelers to experience the magic for themselves through close collaboration with the City’s Museums and Culture department as well as cultural animators across the city. Through a strategic update to destination marketing plans, the collaboration between Destination Marketing Guelph and the City also aims to extend day trips through thoughtful itineraries that encourage longer stays. By fostering enduring partnerships with the University of Guelph, the accommodations sector, and local businesses, the city is creating a seamless experience for visitors. This holistic approach involves working with businesses and community groups to better appeal to visitor needs, conference and event planning support, and strategically placed visitor information, ensuring that essential details are readily available. The collective effort aims to position Guelph as a must-see destination in Ontario, fostering sustained growth and memorable experiences for all.

Crafting a Sense of Place

Guelph is continually refining its assets, crafting experiences that elevate its charm and allure. Focusing on the city’s picturesque setting, they’ve enhanced experiences through placemaking initiatives. This includes an updated GUELPH sign perfect for selfies at the edge of the vibrant Market Square wading pool and skating rink, and other downtown attractions like the Seasonal Patio Program that showcase their commitment to creating engaging spaces for residents and visitors alike. With future focused placemaking and wayfinding strategies in the coming years, Guelph aims to identify new investment opportunities that celebrate the city’s unique charm, promising more free, playful, and creative activities to enrich the community and attract visitors.

“Placemaking efforts that provide a little something for everyone to enjoy are important to building a city that people love to live in, work in, and visit,” says Councillor Carly Klassen, the City’s Downtown Champion on City Council.

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