Livability and a strong economy have long been among Oakville’s most attractive features. They’re why industry-leading companies call Oakville home, because together business and people thrive in our community.
In 2022 Oakville was recognized in Site Selection Magazine as one of the top 20 regions of Canada’s Best Locations to invest for the fourth year in a row. The ranking in this international business publication, which covers corporate real estate and economic development, was based on Oakville’s healthy economy, reflected through significant investment and facility expansions at existing companies, as well as new company arrivals.

Businesses thrive here because we are focused on attracting new investment, while responding to the needs of our business community, and supporting the town’s retail and commercial districts.
Companies can realize the value and benefits of doing business in Oakville with the help of our Economic Development team. They offer support services to both new and existing businesses as they choose to locate, expand, or build in our community.
We provide enhanced service to priority non-residential building permit applications via a new approach to issuing permits, which sees each permit application treated as a project. Each project is assigned to a dedicated team to ensure a timely approvals process and personal contact with staff to get people building and further enhance Oakville’s competitiveness for new investment. In 2021, three files were successfully supported through the program, generating key sector job growth and new industrial development.
Plans are also underway to accommodate future growth. Midtown Oakville is set to become a vibrant, people-oriented, mixed-use community. Once complete, the transformation will accommodate more than 13,000 residents and 7,000 jobs in an approximately 103 hectare area surrounding the Oakville GO Station. Over the next few decades Midtown will become an urban destination. One where people can live, work and play in dynamic neighbourhoods connected to the rest of Oakville through extended pedestrian, cycling, transit and street networks.
I encourage everyone to read the town’s Community Profile – Where Living Works, which can be easily found at It highlights all of the town’s attractive features, while providing some perspective on what makes Oakville Canada’s most livable town.
Sincerely, Jane Clohecy, CAO