Imagine, just for minute, what it would be like to end your work-day and be home within minutes, not hours. To stop at one of several local conservation areas for a hike, bike or outdoor yoga class, while on your route home. For many, this sounds idyllic and unattainable – but for others, this is the definition of work-life balance.
This year, Milton ran a marketing campaign called “We are the Story” aimed at discovering local business and entrepreneurial success stories within their community. Not surprisingly, several common themes emerged and resonated with the larger community – but one in particular stood out – the pursuit of balance.
Business owners, entrepreneurs, community leaders felt they were successful living and working in Milton because it allowed them to discover their own balance between work, life and play.

For those who know the community, it comes as no surprise that Milton is undergoing an evolution. Since 2000, Milton has set out on a path of growth unlike any other municipality in Canada. Their vision for the future is no less bold. People are beginning to recognize Milton as an emerging and thriving urban centre to watch.
The natural beauty, local amenities, location within Ontario’s Innovation Corridor along Highway 401, and access to a highly talented labour force continue to attract some of the GTA’s most innovative companies to the community. These organizations recognize the opportunities for a competitive advantage afforded by tapping into Milton’s extraordinary local talent pool.
Milton not only has the youngest population in Ontario with over 73% of residents having a post-secondary education, Milton’s labour force ranks as the fifth most educated in Ontario.

The town is also home to a higher than average number of university graduates from STEM fields (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math), with 29% of the local labour force having post-secondary education in these fields.
That opens significant opportunity in Milton, particularly for emerging knowledge and technology-based industries. As leading academic institutions, Wilfrid Laurier University and Conestoga College prepare to open a campus for post-secondary education in Milton’s Education Village, this talent pool will continue to grow.
One award-winning company that has already recognized Milton as a place of possibility is Enable Education. The online learning solutions provider specializing in STEM education technology uses digital platforms to deliver new learning experiences, leveraging video, simulations, Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR). The company’s in- house development team combines 3D technology and game design into educational web platforms and app development to create unique hands-on learning tools.
There are great companies moving to Milton everyday who are looking to hire people with technical skillsets, training and expertise that already exist in the community.
While there is an abundance of local talent, according to Octavian Ciubotariu, Chief Technology Officer at Enable Education, the challenge is to engage these people by showcasing the opportunities available for living and working locally. “There are so many talented IT Professionals living in Milton, and commuting for hours each day across the GTA. They can have a fulfilling career and spend more time with their families’ right here in Milton”, said Ciubotariu.

Ben Zimmer, CEO of Enable Education echoed these comments, adding that “There’s a real sense of connectedness in Milton – both on a community and on a business level. Some of our largest projects have been for local companies, and through connections made by the Town.”
With the Niagara Escarpment’s UNESCO World Biosphere Reserve as its backdrop, Milton’s location at the centre of Ontario’s Innovation Corridor offers a perfect mix of work and play. In fact, the 2017 Halton Region Business Conditions Survey identified that 40% of businesses in Milton hired additional staff over the past year and 50% ranked the region’s quality of life as more favourable than the rest of the GTHA. While Milton continues to experience substantial population growth – 31% between 2011 and 2016 – the quality of life for residents has increased at a similar pace with recent public and private investments in recreation/ entertainment facilities and urban amenities, such as Conservation Halton’s Giant’s Rib Park, the Town of Milton’s Sherwood Community Centre, and Woodbine Mohawk Raceway.
The appeal of Milton’s location and quality of life was a major factor for Parker Canada’s decision to locate their corporate headquarters to the community. Operating in Canada for over 50 years in the motion and control technology industry, Parker Canada draws employees from across the GTA and customers across the country. Milton offered an ideal location for their business with access to transportation corridors, close proximity to a large customer base and a supportive community network. In a recent survey of their employees, the company found that many of their associates live in Milton and cited the proximity to nature, a small town atmosphere, safe neighborhoods, and “a great place to raise a family” were key reasons for living in Milton.

in 50 countries around the world. Parker Hannifin has 4 locations in Canada including one strategically located Milton Ontario.
According to Dan Healey, General Manager, “Parker is a great company and we are happy to support our highly skilled workforce with flexible hours, part-time work and remote work options to ensure people have the opportunity to spend time with their families and participate in the great activities available within the Milton community”.
If your pursuit for balance has left you seeking new opportunities, imagine yourself in Milton. For more information on how milton integrates a work life balance, please visit Milton.ca/Possibility