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Canadian startups need to be first in line for our tech talent

How the innovation ecosystem can help startups secure top-quality talent Talent in Canada has become a hot commodity.

Gowling WLG: Showcase Hamilton

Key partnerships help bring Hamilton’s downtown redevelopment to life In June 2021, Hamilton City Council approved a master agreement...

London, Ontario: Emerging Health Food Hub in Canada

With easy access to fresh ingredients, fully serviced industrial lands, a talented workforce, and an abundance of goods and services providers, London...

London, Ontario is Making its Mark as a Logistics Leader

London, Ontario has captured the attention of multinational conglomerate, Amazon, and other logistics-focused companies due to the city’s strengths in certain key...
globe and mail london ontario economic development

London Ontario: Globe & Mail

Large multinationals, fast growing mid-sized ventures, and exciting start-ups are finding success thanks to the rich and multi-faceted research and innovation ecosystem...

Start-Up to Success Story: World Leader in Lasers

In less than 10 years, an innovative Kingston start-up has grown into an international success story that is revolutionizing assembly-line laser welding...

Collaboration Accelerates Biomanufacturing Capabilities at MIP

McMaster Innovation Park (MIP) is in the midst of a $1.75-billion buildout that will grow its footprint by 2.8 million square feet...
Invest in Hamilton

Invest In Hamilton: Globe and Mail

Hamilton, Ontario/ Canada – Hamilton is located 50 minutes from Toronto on the most Western end of Lake Ontario. Hamilton is known...

Li-Cycle: Leading the Green Economy

When the world’s first generation of e-vehicles are towed into scrapyards this decade, an innovative facility in Kingston is ready to recycle...
donna gillespie kingston economic development CEO

Donna Gillespie: Invest In The Future-Invest in Kingston

Message from Donna Gillespie, Chief Executive Officer Kingston Economic Development Corporation There are many approaches to Kingston which deliver...