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Region: windsor essex

sean hubberstey centerline windsor globe and mail perspective

Why Windsor Essex is Perfect for Recent Grads.

As a food and cycling fan, Welding Engineer Sean Hubberstey has found his mecca.  The Waterloo native moved to Windsor with his girlfriend Erin...
windsor essex perspective globe and mail

Your Future Starts Where Canada Begins. Windsor-Essex

Cities and regions are rarely static.  They're fluid...they change...they evolve.  The great regions take the world along with them.  Great regions inspire, they have...
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Farhi Holdings increasing footprint in City of Windsor

Where others see challenges, Farhi Holdings Corporation (FHC) sees opportunity. Founded in 1988, the London, Ontario based real-estate development company has a long track record...
sun brite food inc windsor essex perspective

Food-Bev processing plant, Windsor-Essex your next move

Considering a move or expansion of your food or beverage plant?  Windsor-Essex is growing & processing with Closest Access to U.S. Markets directly across...